Speech Language Program Specialist
Broward County Public Schools
Rachel is a Speech-Language Pathology Program Specialist in Broward County, Florida, specializing in trauma-informed care. From 2016-2021, she was an SLP at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which experienced an internationally known traumatic event. After that event, she found trauma-informed care to better understand the needs of herself, her students, and her coworkers. Rachel has presented annually at the Florida Speech Language Hearing Association (FLASHA) since 2019 and is regularly invited to present at universities for their undergraduate and graduate-level Communication Disorders students. Rachel has been a guest on a multitude of SLP podcasts, including ASHA Voices, and officially joined the Speech Science Podcast as a permanent co-host in February 2022. Ms. Archambault has worked in a variety of SLP settings, including private practice, acute care, schools, home health, and skilled nursing.
Financial Disclosures: Financial compensation from ASHA for this presentation; employed by Broward County Public Schools
Nonfinancial Disclosures: Member of ASHA and FLASHA; licensed in the state of Florida
Trauma-Informed Care in Schools (SC32)
Friday, July 14, 2023
2:45 PM – 3:45 PM PT