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Continuing Education Credit

You may earn ASHA continuing education units (ASHA CEUs) or professional development hours (PDHs) (sometimes called contact hours) for participating in Schools Connect 2023 in-person and/or online.

The number of credits you earn depends on the number of sessions in which you participate.

Long Beach, CA (In-Person Conference)

At the 2-½-day, in-person event (Juy 13–15), we estimate you will be able to earn up to 1.4 ASHA CEUs or 14.0 professional development hours (PDHs). Participants in the pre-conference workshop (July 12; requires an additional fee) can earn an additional 0.6 ASHA CEUs (6.0 PDHs).

Reporting Your Attendance

You must keep track of the sessions you attend and enter your CE-eligible activities in the ASHA Learning Center to receive credit. Activities for the in-person conference must be reported no later than Thursday, July 20, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time. After the conference starts, you will find a link on this page to "Report Your CE Credit." You will need to log into your ASHA account and follow the on-screen instructions to enter and finalize your completed sessions.

If you need a record of the activities in which you participated—or think you may need a record in the future—you must report for credit by July 20. The system will keep a running total of the activities you have reported, allowing you to track the number of hours accrued. The system will then convert your total hours to ASHA CEUs or PDHs as appropriate.
If you are a member of the ASHA CE Registry, credits will be reported to the Registry no later than August 9.

If you miss the reporting deadline because of an extenuating circumstance, see the ASHA Professional Development appeals process.

Online Conference

Most participants in the online conference should expect to be able to earn up to about 2.0 ASHA CEUs or 20 PDHs. This equals out to approximately 90 minutes of conference content time per day. You may participate in—and earn CE credit for—on-demand recorded sessions, live sessions, and online posters. Schools Connect online offers more content than it’s realistically possible to consume in 13 days! This means that you can assemble your unique “best of Schools Connect” by choosing the sessions that fit your learning interests, needs, and priorities.

Reporting Your Attendance

You must enter your CE-eligible activities in the ASHA Learning Center to receive credit. Activities for the online conference must be reported no later than Monday, August 7, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time. We encourage you to add your activities after each session, but you may enter all your activities at once if you prefer.

If you need a record of the activities in which you participated—or think you may need a record in the future—you must report for credit by August 7. The system will keep a running total of the activities you have reported, allowing you to track the number of hours accrued. The system will then convert your total hours to ASHA CEUs or PDHs as appropriate. You can find detailed instructions for reporting your attendance inside the conference site.

You will automatically receive an event report (aka certificate of completion) after you finish the activity-reporting process. The certificate of completion/event report lists the session names and number of hours you completed. 

If you are a member of the ASHA CE Registry, credits will be reported to the Registry no later than September 1.

If you miss the reporting deadline because of an extenuating circumstance, see the ASHA Professional Development appeals process.


Since the conference is packed with great information, you will have access to recorded sessions, posters, and discussion boards for an additional 2 weeks (August 8–21) after the conference ends! During this extension, use the archived information for reference only—sorry, continuing education credit cannot be earned after the conference ends on August 7.

About ASHA CEUs and PDHs

ASHA CEUs and Eligibility

ASHA CEUs are awarded through the ASHA CE Registry to SLPs, audiologists, or speech/language/hearing scientists. To receive ASHA CEUs, eligible persons must join the ASHA CE Registry. Learn more about the Registry. Joining the Registry is optional. If you are eligible to earn ASHA CEUs, but choose not to join the Registry, you may track your own professional development hours (PDHs).

ASHA Approved Provider Block - 450

The in-person program will be offered for up to 2.05 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level; Professional area).
The online program will be offered for up to 5.05 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level; Professional area).

Professional Development Hours and Eligibility

Professional development hours (PDHs) are an alternative measurement unit for continuing education activities. Related professionals, SLP and audiology assistants, and others may receive PDHs. PDHs from this conference apply toward ASHA certification maintenance. You should check with other authorities (such as state license boards or departments of education) to see if they recognize PDHs.

How ASHA CEUs/PDHs Are Calculated

Keep the following points in mind while keeping track of your ASHA CEUs/PDHs.